The length of the rig is determined by the severity of the snags that will be encountered at a particular venue, ie not many snags maybe a 3 foot rig, really snaggy 10 inches is long enough.
Its a standard paternoster except that the bottom crimp is replaced with the telephone wire tightly coiled below the bead. I think this set up is better than a pulley rig because you can use the tension of the telephone wire to set the hook, before the snood drops to the weight under the pressure of the fish.
This rig is designed to lower the risk of the weight getting snagged on retrieval. Use a 3/0 viking with these breaking strains and, providing your mainline is up to it, the hook will straighten before the snood snaps. You will get your gear back most times because I think most snags tend to be hook snags. The hook can be straightened on a rock easy enough. Clip the bait down easily using as Gemini link (the ones with the little hook on the bottom.) The telephone wire makes it easy to tighten the whole rig up.
Rig by Jaybee