For those of you who read reports where a fish has been taken on a pennel rig and don’t know what it is — well — underneath is my feeble attempt at drawing one for you.
Basically, it is an ordinary rig but with the addition of an extra hook on the main snood. Before tying on your main hook thread your line through the eye of a second hook. Keep this in place by sliding a piece of sleeving (outer covering of flex wire is ideal ) down the line and over the hook as shown opposite.
Tie on your main hook. The top hook can be carefully slid up or down the snood to suit bait size etc. This type of rig, in my opinion, works best with worm baits. There is no need to bait top hook but it’s up to you. You may wish to thread a piece of whiteworm on it if you are using lug on the main hook. A lot of fish are taken on the top hook of this rig. Choice of hook sizes is up to you. Possible combination is 4/0 main hook 2/0 top hook. My choice is 2/0 and 2/0.
My choice of trace length for the Pennel is;
Main Trace to sinker – 40″
Hook snood – 33″
I also have Pennels with hooks snoods a short as 12″ for fishing in rough seas
Rig by Jaybee