Having recently bought my small boat for fishing on local stretches of the Thames I chose this lifejacket because I know it offers me the best available protection from drowning. I do a lot of fishing by myself, so a reliable lifejacket is really important.
Made in conjunction with Crewsaver and Hammar, the ‘giants’ of the lifejacket world, this automatically inflating model really is a must-have for any boat user. The inflator valve is supplied by Swedish manufacturers Hammar and allows use in rainy or humid conditions, even allowing the jacket to be splashed without accidental inflation.
The lifejacket comes in the Wychwood olive green livery, which makes a change from cheaper high-viz models. But fear not, on inflation the jacket is a high-viz yellow colour.

The most common complaint from regular boat anglers is that lifejackets can be cumbersome and uncomfortable to wear, but I’ve been wearing this recently during the height of the heat wave and I can’t complain. It is as light and comfortable to wear as any fishing waistcoat.
The RRP is £140, but it’s available from some retailers for just over £110, which is not a lot considering this lifejacket provides the ultimate protection available for the boat angler.
Fred Guttfield