Pallatrax are a well known name within the fishing industry with their Stonze alternatives to leads which not only work very well and blend in naturally with the other stones in the lake, they are also a lot better for the environment than standard leads and have been taken on by the superb Gillhams Fishing Resort.

The great thing about these natural food baits is that because of the way they are created (by professional dehydration) they will last a long time and also retain the quality protein and nutrients which the fish need in their daily diet and will actively search for when they start to recognise them in their water.
Rehydrating these amazing baits couldn’t be simpler, all you need to do is cover the amount of bait you require in water (water from the venue your fishing would be best). The time required for soaking will vary depending on the size of Hidra you are using but also the water temperature and the room temperature but around 4 hours of soaking should be adequate for all of the range.
If you like to look for extra edges you can also add flavouring or colouring to the water you are using which will give you a unique bait just for yourself, it isn’t necessary to add anything as they are a naturally high attraction bait for the fish anyway.
You can also use rehydrate the Hidra range and blitz them either into smaller pieces or a liquid mush to add into groundbaits, spod mixes or if you like making your own boilies you could add a unique touch to your baits with liquidised snails and/or water mussels.
This is definitely a bait range worth checking out for yourself, we have been playing with them for a while now and they are definitely a unique and innovative bait with proven catch records.
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