Now that the warmer months are upon us, magazines and webpages will be full of surface fishing techniques and tips for big carp. I love fishing for carp with floating baits, and each season it seems as though manufacturers bring out yet more new products to make it easier!
The Korda ‘Kruiser’ is an innovative new design of surface controller float available in 3 sizes (10g, 15g and 20g). It is part of a complete new range from Korda for 2010. I purchased mine intending to fish for carp at fairly short range on my local club water, so I chose the 15g version.

Casting the float was simple; it stayed true in flight and didn’t tumble unnecessarily and tangles were non-existent as the swivel and silicone insert form a ‘boom’ and hold the line away from the float body. When the float hit the surface of the water, it didn’t ‘torpedo’ down into the depths to create a disturbance, but reappeared swiftly and soon settled; feathering the cast threw the hook link forward to give a tidy presentation. Because the internal weight is offset, when a take develops, the float acts as an anchor to force the hook to prick the fish and cause it to turn away thus setting the hook; very clever!
I did find one problem in this otherwise excellent product; the sight tip seems quite small and is difficult to detect at range or in varied lighting conditions. Takes were positive however, and if you pay attention, you won’t miss much. Overall, Korda have come up with a product that casts well, doesn’t tangle and is simple to set up; it is an ideal way to present a bait at close or medium range and will certainly make your surface fishing more fun!
Priced at around £3.99, the Korda ‘Kruiser’ is available from all good stockists or get more information online at
Clint Walker, June 2010
{Editor’s Note: CLICK HERE to view the latest offer price on the Korda Kruiser at Fishtec}
Korda Kruiser