I wasn’t sure about getting this Carp Kinetics Flask Set to start with, as it seemed quite expensive at £18.00. However, when it arrived I was very pleased that I had decided to order it.
I had been looking at getting a new flask ready for Winter, as I enjoy going fishing at this time of year because a lot of anglers pack their stuff away until the weather warms up in the new year, which leaves me the pick of the swims on a lot of my local venues!
I unpacked the bag and opened it up and inside was the flask, two small bottles (which are ideal for milk or other liquid), two mugs, a tea towel and two teaspoons. Having taken everything out, I was very impressed with the quality, apart from one thing which I felt let the set down that being the teaspoons; they were pretty cheap, but at least they’d do the job and let’s face it, a teaspoon’s no big deal.
The tea was kept warm for around 4-5 hours. Ian’t be exact as I’d drunk it all somewhere in between that. Overall, I was very impressed with the CK Flask Set, from the snazzy bag which kept everything in place nicely, through to the flask itself. Well worth the money and a good investment for a cold Winter’s session. It would also make a good gift for an angler.
PRICE: £18