The Countryside Alliance has launched possibly the biggest prize raffle ever for UK fly fishers, in aid of its charity, Fishing for Schools

Every £25 ticket sold in the Rod Raffle will support Fishing for Schools, which introduces fishing and extraordinary countryside experiences to disadvantaged children and young people.
The Prize: 4 Sage X fly-fishing rods, complemented with appropriate Hardy fly reels and matching Airflo fly lines and flies, donated by some of the world’s leading fly-tiers.
This fantastic prize includes:
- A 15ft Sage X #10/11 – purpose-crafted for big river salmon fishing and spey casting.
- A 10ft Sage X #7 – designed for either single-handed salmon or grilse; but excellent for both sea trout and lake fishing.
- A 9ft Sage X #5 – the world’s favourite length and weight of trout rod. A fly rod that will go anywhere, from big rivers to little lakes… just take it with you and fish.
- A 7ft 6in Sage X #3 – for those secret little streams where bright-eyed trout and grayling hide.
All four rods are handmade by Ian Tucker, one of the UK’s finest rod builders. The set will be supplied with a cloth bag and protective tube.
The raffle was launched on Thursday 30 January at Farlows in Pall Mall. Tickets cost £25 and are available now at Tickets are on sale until 31 March 2020.
Fishing for Schools has also launched its impact report, showing that over the past 12 years more than 3,000 children, from 110 schools, have benefited from learning outdoors and connecting with nature through the initiative.
Fishing for Schools director and founder Charles Jardine said: “We are so very proud of what we have achieved since 2007 but we want to do much more in the years to come. Each year we receive many more requests from schools than we can cover. But with your help we can take F4S into more classrooms.
“Taking part in our Rod Raffle is a wonderful opportunity that will give you the finest selections of fly rods available and purpose-matched reels and lines and will help us make a difference to the anglers of the future. Please support angling’s future by purchasing your ticket.”