Trout Fishing
We had a stocking of fish on Friday, 100 fish went into the Swan Neck Pool (closest one to the lodge). There shouldn’t be many fish under the 3lb mark, plenty of 4lb,5lb and 6lb fish were launched in. Also 4 bonus doubles were amongst the stocking, up to roughly 12lb. Jim Johnson showed the way for the 3rd week on the trot, he had a cracking days sport on Friday landing 16 Rainbow Trout up to an estimated 10lb. Jim took all his fish on sub-merged Dries, Jimmy then returned the day after and still managed 7 fish in an afternoon session, his best fish was 8lb 4oz which was weighed by myself. G Lauri had a brilliant morning fishing on Saturday, he caught the morning rise bang on, and took 6 fish all on a CDC. Best Picture of the week featured Ian Alcock, the Birmingham based angler is fairly new to the sport and landed his best ever trout on Sunda! y. The fish was in pristine condition and weighed in at 6lb 12oz. Ian took the fish on a Hare’s Ear using a floating line. The Best spots this week have been mainly in front of the lodge and pegs up the lake either side of ‘Jocks Tree’. Top flies have been CDC’s, Sub-merged Hoppers, Blood worm and Black and Green lures.

Coarse Fishing
OLD POOL CLOSED SUNDAY 18TH JULY, DUE TO A CLUB BOOKING. The lake will be open from 4pm till Dusk.
Some Decent sized fish have come out of the Old Pool this week, Steve Wild had the largest weighing in at smack on 17lb, Steve took the large Common on peg 21 using paste in the margins along with 15 other fish, including a specimen Tench sending the needle on his scales to 5lb 1oz. Jim Lawton had his best days fishing on Sunday on peg 4. Jim Swapped between two methods, method feeder to the island and a shallow float rod in the margins. He landed a Common Carp of 10lb followed up by another Common of 8lb 8oz, he took another 20 odd fish throughout the day. Jim’s hook bait was double maggot fished on top of a bed of pellet. The Old Pool is available for Club booking, we can cater for up to 22 anglers, for more information on prices and available dates, feel free to call the lodge phone on 01785 282967. Hope to see you soon. Tight Lines. Phil Dixon
Hope to see you soon.Tight lines. Phil Dixon