Trout Fishing
Finally, the lakes have thawed out after 5 weeks. We put a stocking of trout into both lakes on the 22nd of January. Some bonus lumps went in up to 15lb-16lb, again our stocking policy is nothing below 3lb. Best fish of the week was local angler ‘Jock’ who took a 13lb 9oz Rainbow out of the Railway pool, the fish was landed after a 20 minute battle on a floating line, Jock temped the fish using a black and green lure. Sunday 24th another big fish came out to Craig Scott. The Stone based angler landed a cracking Rainbow of 11lb 7oz using a white guinea on a floating line, the fish came out half way up on the Swan neck Pool. Best bag of fish this week was19 fish taken by Roy Westwood, Roy caught all his fish from the Railway Pool, using an intermediate line and a black and green lure. His fishing partner Barry Love was just behind him with 18 fish. Barry used the same method.
A club match took place on the same day. 15 anglers fished the match and fish were caught from the start. Not one angler blanked and 81 fish were caught. Best bag went to Derek Howard from Crewe who won the match with a combined weight of 19lb 9oz for four fish. Derek finished the day with 18 fish,he took all his fish on black and green lures.
1st Derek Howard 19lb 9oz (4 fish) Returned 14
2ND Ron Ayres 18lb 7oz (4 fish) Returned 5
3rd James Foster 17lb 12oz (4 fish) Returned 0
Flies that are working this week are Black and Green lures, orange fritz and static buzzers underneath a site indicator.

Jock with a 13lb 9oz trout
Coarse Fishing
With the lakes froze over for 5 weeks, we haven’t had many coarse anglers on. Those who have braved the conditions have been rewarded with some decent mixed bags of fish. Pellet and maggot have been the favored baits this week. Another stocking of 1500 Perch went in last week, just to keep bites coming when the carp aren’t feeding. The Perch vary in size from 2″ up to 1lb. We do welcome clubs to our waters, bookings can be arranged over the phone. To book in ring us on the lodge phone on 01785 282967.
Hope to see you soon. Tight lines
Phil Dixon