Trout Fishing
With the cold weather still refusing to go away, good fishing has took place all week. Another stocking of fish went into both lakes on Friday. Fish up to around the 10lb mark were dropped in both lakes. Both lakes were cleared of ice on Saturday morning, and fished well from the off. Kevin Barley started on the Railway Pool, he took a few fish there on a white and green lure. He then ventured back to the Swan Neck Pool and that’s where the real sport began. He took 8 fish there in quick succession. Kevin finished the day on 8 Trout. Another good bag of the day was Chris Ector who hooked and landed 11 fish over both lakes ,Chris caught on a variety of lures using a floating line with a 15 foot leader. With the aerators kept on over night, the lakes were ice free on the Sunday. With the slightly milder weather on the Sunday morning, action started very quickly. Barry Love made a return to Seighford to have another go and his trip paid off with a total of 9 fish to 6lb. Best fish went to Darren Doody who landed a 9lb 8oz Rainbow after a 15 minute battle. Darren took the fish on a Cats Whisker using a floating line and slow retrieve.

Good bags of silver fish have come out over the past week. Red and white maggot being the bait of the week. The water has colored up to perfection and is just waiting for some warm weather to help get the Carp feeding. Roger Abnett enjoyed a good session on the Old pool, it was his first outing in 7 years and he finished his day in style, he landed a 3lb 4oz Perch smashing his previous personal best. Roger caught silverfish steadily throughout the day using double squatt on Peg 2. A stocking of 6,000 Roach have gone into the Horseshoe Pool, the fish range from 2″ up to 8″. This is sure to keep bites coming during these cold months. We do welcome clubs to our waters, bookings can be arranged over the phone. To book in ring us on the lodge phone on 01785 282967.