Greys Carp Academy member, Kevin Grix has landed two Personal Best Carp in one session!
The 54lb 12oz Mirror and 51lb 14oz Common were caught during a fishing trip to France on the 18th and 19th October.
Caught using the Greys Torsion 12ft 3.25lb Carp rods, Kevin used Premier’s Matrix Reloaded as bait.
Kevin said;
“I had arranged an October trip to France with two good friends, weather conditions looked favourable for the first three days then a cold front was to move in on the Wednesday.
“I placed two lightly scattered baits in the margins and in the middle of the lake I found a few hard clay patches surrounded with silt. The area I finally picked ran diagonally out from my bank where I put approximately 4kg of bait along the clay with rods cast to the near and far ends of the patch, between 70 to 100m out -just a small flick with these 3.25lb Torsions.
“I caught steadily throughout the week, taking nine fish, four from the margin and five from open water. These included two PB’s – a 54lb 12oz Mirror and 51lb 14oz Common. Others included two forties to 46lb and five thirties to 38lb. Two 50’s in one session is something I will never forget.”