Story behind new world record 41 lb 7 oz brown trout caught in Mich.
Not to be overshadowed by the 22 lb, 4 oz largemouth bass record caught by Japan’s Manabu Kurita, which tied a 77 year-old record and received overwhelming tribute in January; the IGFA would like to spotlight an equally impressive “holy grail” of freshwater fish species which also recently received an IGFA All-Tackle world record. Here’s more on that story:
By a pound and three ounces, Tom Healy of Rockford, Michigan, USA, eclipsed the 17-year-old brown trout (Salmo trutta) world record with a 41 lb 7 oz (18.8 kg) fish pulled out of Michigan’s Manistee River, on September 9, 2009. The IGFA record he beat was a 40 lb 4 oz (18.25 kg) brown pulled from Arkansas’ (USA) Little Red River in May 9, 1992 by Howard Collins.
On that September morning, Healy was fishing with friend Bob Woodhouse of Grand Rapids, Michigan and guide Tim Roller of Ultimate Outfitters. For well over 20 years Healy, a retired construction manager, traveled the two hours to fish for chinook salmon and steelhead on the Manistee.
The three men were targeting salmon by drifting the river and casting Rapala crank-baits (plugs). Healy was using a #8 silver Shad Rap with a 9’ Cabela’s XML rod and a Cabela’s Prodigy reel filled with 30 lb Power-Pro. They had already hooked two salmon, when about eight o’clock Healy had a strike he immediately recognized as a sizable fish. Healy said it made a violent first run up-river where it came to the surface and tried to jump but couldn’t because of its immense size.
Only when the fish came to the net 15 minutes later did they simultaneously realize two things: first, the fish was a whole lot bigger than they had originally thought, and second, it was not a salmon at all, but a brown trout.
Its weight bottomed out Healy’s Boga Grip at the maximum 30 lb mark. They then estimated it weighed maybe 35 pounds. It measured at 43.75 inches with a girth of 27 inches.
Since steelhead are Healy’s passion, he thought it necessary to call brown trout guru and local charter captain Mark Chimura, to help verify the fish. When Chimura learned what they had, he pulled his fishing trip off the river and came with a certified scale to their location. The fish weighed over 41 pounds. Chimura then called and asked the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to meet them and the fish at his charter business shop in downtown Manistee. When the Michigan conservation officer arrived he in turn called two DNR fish biologists to come and confirm the species and verify its weight, length and girth. Fish scales that were clipped for age determination, later confirmed the fish was six years of age.
The local TV station came and recorded the weighing of the fish for TV.
Healy said above and beyond achieving the IGFA All-Tackle record for the biggest brown trout ever landed on rod and reel, he was touched most by the respect the people of Manistee, Michigan gave the fish. Tom recalls standing on the downtown sidewalk, lifting the brown trout up for a period of almost six hours so everyone could pay respects and enjoy the beauty and amazing size of the fish.
Healy believes the catch was more special because the people of Manistee know fish and fishing; many of the residents and families in that area are lifelong anglers, charter boat captains, fishing guides, or are somehow involved in the fishing tourism industry of Manistee. Tom said they know the tremendous historic importance behind such a catch and realize the all-time biggest brown trout on rod and reel can arguably be one of those “holy-grails” of fish species to catch.
The IGFA congratulates Tom Healy on his fine achievement of his new world record.
IGFA World Record Achievement Awards set for April 10
Tickets are now available for the IGFA’s seventh annual World Record Achievement Awards (WRAA) celebration, presented by Mercury Marine. The event is set for April 10, recognizing men, women and junior anglers and professional captains for the most world records in 2009.
The records were compiled from the Top 10 list in the IGFA’s 2010 World Record Game Fishes book coming out in January
Along with the anglers and guides, also to honored will be tackle, scale, lure and line manufacturers based on the number of computer printouts of the anglers using their products in setting the new records in 2009.
Also that evening two IGFA Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented to Rapala and Captain Andrew Parsons.
Rapala Lures:
Rapala lures are responsible for more IGFA World Records than any other lure manufacturer in history.
“Created by a fisherman, Rapala lures have been a mainstay of our sport for more than 70 years,” said Mike Myatt, Chief Operating Officer of IGFA. “We are excited to showcase this historic company and its products.”
The company was officially founded in 1936 when Lauri Rapala invented the Rapala fishing lure. Rapala has grown from humble beginnings to a market leader in the fishing tackle industry. The Rapala brand’s functionality and high quality are known by fishermen around the world. Rapala maintains its strict standards of craftsmanship while delivering its fishing products to anglers in more than 130 countries.
“We are extremely honored by this recognition from the IGFA,” said Tom Mackin, President of Rapala USA. “We are always excited when our lures land a record and it’s a privilege to be a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award.”
Captain Andrew Parsons:
Andrew Parsons has 100 records as a guide and nine as an angler. A native of South Africa, Andrew has fished all over the world. Although fly fishing is his specialty, he’s equally adept at inshore and offshore fishing with both heavy and light tackle.
Andrew has fished all his life and was chosen to represent Natal in surf fishing competitions at the age of 23 and began guiding full time in 1995 in Benguerra, Mozambique. Most recently Andrew has been traveling the world with, and guiding fellow Lifetime Achievement Award winner, Jodie Johnson. Andrew enjoys fishing for virtually all species of fish, but claims that sharks are his favorite. His most notable shark catch was a 550 lb bull shark that he caught surf fishing on the beach. His favorite record experience is Johnson’s 60 lb barracuda on 16 lb tippet because, not only is it the heaviest barracuda ever caught on fly, but because they had to tease the fish for close to an hour before it would bite the fly.
The ceremony will be held at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach, Florida. For reservations and tickets for the ceremony please call Ms. Lesley Arico 954-924-4222 or email: .
Inaugural IGFA Fishing Expo coming April 10th weekend
If you’re anywhere near Ft. Lauderdale, Florida area on the weekend of April 10th and 11th, mark your calendar for the IGFA’s inaugural Fishing Expo presented by the World Fishing Network (WFN).
The special event will be held at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in nearby Dania Beach, from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. each day and is expected to showcase fishing lodges, artwork, tournaments, electronics, unique tackle and more.
The half-price adult admission and kids are free.
The Fishing Expo is a prelude to the seventh annual World Record Achievement Award celebration, on Saturday April 10, at 6 p.m. The museum will close at 3 p.m. on that Saturday but the Expo will remain open until 6 p.m. A two-hour KISS Country Road show will have food and prizes on site.
For more information please call Joanie Tomlin at 954-924-4312 or e-mail at
IGFA’s Expedition Guatemala, April 14 – 18
The next IGFA Expedition Series trip is set for the Pacific Ocean side of Guatemala, an event described as the ultimate once-in-a lifetime sailfishing experience.
The journey begins April 14 – 18 with five days and four nights at the Casa Vieja Lodge.
“This adventure to this beautiful Central America country to fish the famous Guatemala sailfish run follows in the footsteps of the early game fish pioneers exploring the abundant waters for the world’s greatest game fish,” said IGFA Development Director Eric Combast.
“It’s three days of fishing with our Expedition Series leaders which may include other top game species such as marlin and dorado found in the surrounding waters.”
The six expedition team leaders includes TV host and IGFA Fishing Hall of Famer Mark Sosin, IGFA President Rob Kramer, light tackle expert Gary Carter, billfish fly fishing expert Enrico Capozzi, tag and release expert Capt. Ron Hamlin, and Pacific sailfishing expert Jim Turner.
“This group of experienced and exceptional anglers will provide an action-packed excursion with valuable fishing tips and guidance,” said Combast. “Since 1994, the fleet at Casa Vieja has averaged 20 sailfish a day per boat. In 2006, Turner, fishing aboard the flagship Release, caught an amazing 57 sailfish, all on fly and all on the same day.”
The cost of this all-inclusive expedition is $7,500 for anglers USD and $2,500 for non- anglers and includes all in-country transfers, lodging, meals and cocktails. Fees do not include airfare to/from Guatemala City and any incidental purchases. All guests have a private room and fish two anglers per boat. Space is limited to 12 anglers per trip.
A portion of the cost will be tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
A second Expedition Series event will be offered later this year to the Tropic Star Lodge on Pinas Bay, Panama, August 30 to September 4.
For more information on these exciting opportunities, please call Combast at 954-924-4325 or email
IGFA Conservation Awards presented
Among the highlights of the 26th IGFA Auction & Banquet at The Breakers in Palm Beach, Florida, USA, in January was the presentation of achievement and conservation awards made annually by the IGFA.
The Gil Keech Heavy Tackle Angling Award
Cairns, Queensland, Australia’s Captain Laurie Wright was the recipient of the Gil Keech Award for lifetime achievements in Heavy Tackle Angling.
This special honor began in 1998 by the Ocean City (Md.) Light Tackle Club; at 63 years it is one of the oldest clubs of its type in the world.
Its recipient, Capt. Wright has served in the Cairns charter fleet for over 30 years. In 1983 he started his own charter business, and his record as a skipper is a testament of his skill and dedication to the sport. In just his first season he caught a grander and though he prefers release, his early career saw the landing of his biggest fish, a 1277 lb black marlin. Wright has fished all over the world but it is his promotion of, and significant contributions to, the growth and success of the Cairns marlin fishery that are legendary. He’s a past chairman of the Cairns Professional Game Fishing Association and was instrumental in the planning and establishment of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. A key figure in the establishment of the Cairns Game Fishing Hall of Fame in 2006, he was himself inducted into the Hall in 2008.
Tim Choate accepted the award for Wright
The Bob Herder Light Tackle Award
Established in 2005 also by the OCLTC and the IGFA, the Bob Herder Light Tackle Award, was presented to Capt. Thomas Barkley Garnsey, of Tyrone New Mexico.
Known on the dock as “Bark,” he is best known for his adventures with IGFA Trustee and world-renowned angler Stewart Campbell. Together, Bark and Stewart have re-written the billfish record books on major expeditions to tropical backwaters spanning the globe. The pair have teamed up to land records including – an 820 lb blue marlin on 16-lb line class and an 872 pounder on 30-lb line class. Bark’s atlas of fishing spots includes the east coast from Florida to Newfoundland, all of the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Windward Islands, West Africa, Indonesia, Venezuela, Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Thailand, New Guinea, the Canary Islands and Madeira.
Permanently endowed by contributions from the OCLTC and Herder’s family and friends the award is in honor of a man who maintained an abiding commitment to the principles and objectives of the IGFA.
Capt. Bark was there to accept his award.
More conservation awards
IGFA President Rob Kramer, presented honors to a club, individuals and a boat company all which have made significant and outstanding contributions to the cause of conservation in the freshwater, saltwater and fly fishing communities.
Confederación Española de Pesca Marítima de Recreo Responsible, Spain was the recipient of The IGFA Conservation Award to a Fishing Organization. Kramer said, “This organization has provided the government of Spain and other interested parties with social and economic data on recreational fishing, and has been instrumental in passing a law that recognizes recreational fishing vessels through a new licensing program. It has conducted several important symposia to exchange information on recreational fishing, and the Confederation also collaborates in regional scientific studies and tagging efforts.”
Esteban Graupera, of Spain, one of several IGFA Representatives involved with the organization accepted the award.
Evan Jones of Caloundra, Queensland, Australia was the recipient of the IGFA Conservation Award to an Individual. “Evan Jones has been working very diligently to counter large no-fishing zones in the Coral Sea,” said Kramer. “His arguments against their implementation have been fact based, consistent with IGFA policy and he is an effective disseminator of information on the subject to a variety of fishing organizations worldwide.”
IGFA Trustee Neil Patrick accepted the award for Evan Jones.
The IGFA Conservation Award to an IGFA Representative was presented to Greg McIntosh of Vero Beach, Florida and Halibut Cove, Alaska.
“Greg is a long standing member of IGFA’s International Committee of Representatives,” said Kramer. “He’s active both as a member and representative and in the last three years has been invaluable in keeping IGFA abreast of the allocation conflicts occurring in Alaska’s halibut fishery. He has helped draft IGFA policy on the subject and has done an excellent job in representing IGFA at regional fisheries management meetings on this and other fisheries related subjects.”
Greg was present to accept his award.
Hell’s Bay Boatworks received the IGFA Conservation Award to an IGFA Corporate Sponsor
“Hell’s Bay boats are without question the finest flats boats in the industry today,” said Kramer. “Today Hell’s Bay Boatworks is led by a team of dedicated fishermen, outdoorsmen and adventurers. This team is guided by Capt. Chris Peterson and his wife Wendi Peterson. Hells Bay is passionate about giving back to the sport of fishing by supporting non-profit organizations that value the longevity of the sport. The company has become heavily involved in IGFA, CCA and Bonefish & Tarpon Trust events, along with sponsoring the FishStock tournament in New Smyrna Beach, several Redbone tournaments for cystic fibrosis research and numerous other events, giving us great pride to present this award to Hell’s Bay.”
Hell’s Bay Boatworks owners Chris and Wendi Peterson accepted their award.
Receiving the IGFA International Committee Membership Incentive Program was Bob Lowe from Blankhurst, New South Wales, Australia
The award was established three years ago to help enhance the IGFA membership. “This past year,” said Kramer, “IGFA representatives signed up 247 new members from all over the world. Bob signed up 103 new members in 2009. Bob was our third place winner last year and decided he needed to be here tonight, so he worked hard all year and succeeded.”
As the first place winner, Bob received round-trip airfare to the auction with a hotel room, an all-expense paid offshore fishing trip while there, a carved wooden circle hook donated by David Wirth, and recognition in the IGFA’s International Angler magazine, on the IGFA website and in the World Record Game Fishes book.
IGFA’s selects two newest Trustees
The International Game Fish Association’s Board of Trustees executive committee has selected Roy W. Cronacher Jr. and Ralph “Agie” Vicente as the newest IGFA trustees.
The announcement was made by IGFA President Rob Kramer.
Roy W. Cronacher Jr. resides in Naples, Fla., USA, where he is the President and CEO of Cronacher Development Corporation a real estate development corporation. He’s been an IGFA Representative for southwest Florida since February 2003.
Cronacher began fishing in 1959 at 10 years of age. When he was 12 years old his family moved to the Bahamas where he fished every day after school. He also lived in Key Largo for 17 years. He fishes extensively throughout the Caribbean, the Central and South Americas and Mexico. Cronacher holds three records in the Miami Beach Rod and Reel Club and has held three IGFA World Records.
Cronacher has been a strong supporter of the IGFA and in December 2009, along with his wife Jackie, he hosted the Inaugural IGFA Naples Florida Gala. Plans are already under way for the 2010 event.
Ralph “Agie” Vicente resides in San Juan, Puerto Rico and has been an IGFA representative there since 1995. Vicente grew up on his family’s dairy farm in Dorado, Puerto Rico and as a youngster he developed a love for fishing which carried over into later life when he became involved in organizing and helping to run many of the big game fishing tournaments in Puerto Rico and islands of the Caribbean. He has also been active in promoting tag and release initiatives around the world. He has fished and participated in tournaments all over the world including Mexico, throughout the Caribbean, the Central and South Americas and Hawaii.
Vicente is the Commodore of Club Náutico de San Juan. In this role, he has been instrumental in the success of the IGFA Auction night during their International Billfish Tournament providing significant support for IGFA’s conservation and education programs.
Vicente has also served as an officer for the Club Nautico de San Juan, The Billfish Foundation, The Puerto Rico Gamefish Association, Puerto Rico Light Tackle Association, the Caribbean Forum and the Virgin Islands Big Game Club.
IGFA mourns the loss of Walter Fondren, III – 1936 – 2010
A visionary of conservation in his home state and beyond, Walter W. Fondren III, of Houston, Texas, USA, passed away on January 28, 2010. An IGFA trustee from 1985-1999, Fondren was inducted into the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame in 2004. An avid, hunter, skilled fisherman and passionate conservationist, he was a staunch proponent of marine resource conservation for more than a quarter century.
In 1976, Fondren was one of 43 concerned recreational anglers who met in a Houston sporting goods store to discuss what they could do about the continued abuse of marine resources and he became a driving force in the grassroots movement to save red drum and speckled trout populations along the Texas coast. That event resulted in the creation of the Gulf Coast Conservation Association (GCCA) with Walter becoming chairman of the first Texas chapter. In 1997, 15 state chapters became part of a national organization for the conservation of marine resources under the name Coastal Conservation Association (CCA). Since the mid-1980s the CCA with nearly 100,000 members has been active in virtually every fisheries debate on local, state and national levels within the United States.
Over the years, Walter received numerous well-deserved conservation awards including the Harvey Weil Sportsman/Conservationist Award in 2000 and the prestigious Charles H. Lyles Award in 2001 from the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission in recognition of his exceptional contributions on behalf of marine resources. During his lifetime, Walter achieved three IGFA freshwater world records, and continues to hold the 4 lb tippet for Dorado (Salminus brasiliensis) which he set November 5, 1991 in Apa River, Paraguary.
Walter Fondren’s contributions to the fishing industry, marine conservation and to the IGFA are extraordinary and he will be greatly missed.
February Hot Catches
International Game Fish Association World Records Coordinator Rebecca Wright updates us with seven recreational fish catches and photographs beginning with several caught on fly that are now before the world records committee:
While fly fishing Brazil’s Manapolis, Rio Preto da Eva, on October 22, Jorge Massulo de Aguiar, of Manaus Amazonas, Brazil, landed a speckled peacock (Cichla temensis) weighing 11.4 kg (25 lb 2 oz) on 8 kg (16 lb) tippet. It took him 12 minutes to land. The current IGFA record is 19 lb 0 oz ( 8.61 kg) caught in Nov. 1992 from Venezuela’s Rio Pasimoni. (Photo: speckled peacock – 34823)
On the saltwater fly fishing side Jeff Storm Harkavy, of Coral Springs, Fla., USA, landed a Pacific barracuda, (Sphyraena argentea) on Dec. 26, while fishing Golfito, Costa Rica. The fish weighed 3.18 kg (7 lb 0 oz) and was caught with 3 kg (6 lb) tippet. The current men’s IGFA record for 3 kg tippet is 2 lb 12 oz off Mexico’s Santos Island near Todos last April. Jeff landed the fish in eight minutes guided by Bobby McGuinness. (Photo: Pacific barracuda – 34658)
On Sept. 17, Richard C. Keatley, of Norfolk, Va., USA, landed a striped bass (Morone saxatilis) weighing in at 23.27kg (51 lb 5 oz). He used a clouser minnow fly tied to 10 kg (20 lb), tippet while fishing Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. The current IGFA men’s tippet record is 43 lb 12 oz ( 19.84kg) caught Dec., 2006, from the same area. It took Keatley 30 minutes to land. (Photo: striped bass – 34732)
Escaping the cold winter of her Bozeman, Mont., USA, home, multi-record holder Dotty Ballantyne, guided by famed Key West, Fla., Captain R.T. Trosset, landed a jack crevalle (Caranx hippos) on January 31, weighing 1.39 kg (3 lb 1 oz). She took 50 minutes to capture the fish on ultra thin 1 kg (2 lb) tippet while fishing Key West. The current IGFA women’s 2 lb tippet record is 1 lb, 12 oz (.79 kg) that Dotty herself set back in July 2006 in Apalachicola, Fla. (Photo: jack crevalle – 34929)
World traveling angler Stan Nabozny, of The Woodlands, Texas, USA, landed a comizo hybrid barbel, (Barbus steindachner) on October 26, weighing 6.95 kg (15 lb 5 oz) in 15 min using corn and halibut pellets. Nabozny made the catch while fishing Spain’s Guidiana River. He’s hoping to see his All-Tackle catch added as a new species for the World Record Game Fishes book. He released the fish after photographing and documenting the measurements. (Photo: comizo hybrid barbel – 34743)
While fishing Western Australia’s Rottnest Island on Dec. 28, Rhyss Whittred, of Landsdale, W.A., used a jig to attract a samsonfish (Seriola hippos) weighing 29.75 kg (65 lb 9 oz) on 8 kg (16 lb) class line. The current IGFA men’s line class record is 54 lb 13 oz ( 24.88 kg) caught near Port Lincoln, South Australia this past June. He was guided by Mary Jarrett and took 35 minutes to bring the fish to the boat. (Photo: samsonfish – 34824)
This past Nov. 23, smallfry angler Ashley Stout, of Reno, Nev., USA, made an impressive catch for her age group, by landing a cutthroat trout, (Oncorhynchus clarki) weighing 4.08 kg (9 lb 0 oz). She took five minutes to reel the fish in while fishing Pyramid Lake, Nevada. The current IGFA female smallfry record is 5 lb 8 oz (2.49 kg) caught in South Park Colorado in 2003. (Photo: cutthroat trout – 34580)
Open House for IGFA School of Sportfishing, Feb. 24
If you’re an angler living in South Florida you’ve heard about the School of Sportfishing classes at the IGFA over the years. If you haven’t experienced them you can get a sample of what’s in store as the IGFA holds a special Open House to meet the instructors of the 14th session of three hour weekly classes for six weeks in March and April.
This special is on Wed., February 24 at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, from 7 – 9 p.m.
They’ll give highlights of the upcoming six weekly classes which begin on Tuesday, March 2, answer your questions, hand out door prizes and much more. Admission is $20 cash, at the door and there’s no registration required. The $20 can be applied to any class if you sign up at the Open House. Additional promotions available for multiple class sign ups.
For more go to IGFA website at or to register online at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340.
Popular IGFA School of Sportfishing returns March 2
The IGFA School of Sportfishing will open its 14th session on The IGFA School of Sportfishing is getting ready to kick off Session 14 on March 2.
Jeff Mackin of the IGFA’s education department said the school is planning to introduce some new classes anglers have been asking for in addition to some very popular favorites:
March 2nd opens with “Kite Fishing Techniques” with Capt. Tony DiGiulian touching on the basics of kite fishing as well as teach more advanced techniques.
March 9th is the brand new “Targeting Nearshore Gamefish: Dolphin, Kings, & Blackfins”. Participants looking to fill their coolers will learn how from one of the world’s best Capt. Bouncer Smith.
March 16th is another new class with Capt. Josh Brown’s “Trophy Snook and Tarpon.” Despite the temporary restrictions on snook and tarpon, anglers will want to take this class to learn where and how to catch these trophy fish.
March 23rd will be “All About Live Bait,” one of the school’s most popular classes taught by Capt. Shawn Fairbanks. In addition to learning the species-specific secrets to catching baitfish, attendees will leave the class knowing how to throw a cast net.
March 30th is “Offshore Secrets of the Keys,” is a much-requested topic with participants learning the ins and outs of fishing offshore in the Keys from the well-renowned Capt. Jack Callion.
April 6th ends the 14th session with the timely “Fishing Bimini and Cat Cay” as Capt. Bouncer Smith helps anglers maximize their fishing trips to the nearby islands.
The IGFA School of Sportfishing benefits from its partnership with Yo-Zuri, receiving free Crystal Minnow lures and spools of fluorocarbon in addition to the customary rod, lure, and tackle giveaways. Attendees can expect us to provide and continue improving on the finest series of fishing courses available.
The classes are held on these Tuesday nights from 7 – 10 p.m. at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach, Florida. For more information, please contact Mackin at 954-924-4340 or visit You may also sign up online at Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers so sign up today!
—At the IGFA Museum—
Guy Harvey’s early works in IGFA’s Changing Gallery
As a young boy, Guy Harvey was entranced by Ernest Hemingway’s story The Old Man and the Sea. In the early 1970’s, with no formal art training but with a scientist’s eye for detail, Guy began sketching his favorite parts. These sketches comprised Guy’s first art show in 1985. The highly acclaimed early marine artworks of Dr. Guy Harvey are now being shown at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum presented in its Changing Gallery exhibition room.This complete rarely-viewed series, of 59 pen-and-ink drawings from the private collection of Cheryl and Dave Copham, is on display through March, 2010. Also featured are the photos of Bill Boyce and sculptures of Kent Ullberg.
Exciting sport fishing photo exhibit ends March 31
The works of some of today’s hottest marine photographers are featured in an exhibit in the Art Gallery of the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum. The popular exhibit features more than 70 images — from Pat Ford, Adrian Gray, Scott Kerrigan, Charlie Levine, Dave McCleaf, Al McGlashan, Ron Modra and Sam Root – and is now on display through March. Museum visitors can have the opportunity to experience the excitement, emotion, energy and beauty of sport fishing as seen through the lenses of these masters. For more information please call Joanie Tomlin at the IGFA at 954-924-4312 or email her at
The Funky Fish Art of David Roehm coming in April
The IGFA Art Gallery will be featuring the work of artist David Roehm, who is inspired by his fishing and snorkeling adventures off his hometown of Fort Lauderdale, along with Chokoloskee Island, and the flats of Islamorada. His creations often start with unusual items such as fire hydrants and fish mounts and are always colorful and whimsical. For a preview of what’s to come visit
Also Coming Soon: Lou Marron’s All Tackle record swordfish
The mount of Lou Marron’s All Tackle record swordfish (1,182 pounds caught in 1953) will be on display soon in its new permanent home, the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum.
N. J. IGFA Reps holding 13th banquet and auction in March
The New Jersey IGFA representatives will be hosting their 13th annual IGFA Banquet & Auction on Friday, March 26 in Mike Doolan’s Restaurant, Spring Lake Heights.
That event has raised about $170,000 over the course of 12 years for the IGFA’s Junior Angler and Conservation programs.
For additional information call Jeff Merrill at 908-451-1110.
IGFA accepting grant requests from schools for lab programs
Do you know of a school that’s interested in the marine sciences?
If so the IGFA has some great news. The IGFA’s Education and Outreach Program is currently accepting grant requests for school groups in grades K-12 to participate in their hands-on lab programs.
IGFA Education Director David Matagiese said, “The funding we’ve received from granting entities like Fish Florida, the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and the A.D. Henderson Foundation have been incredibly helpful in allowing the IGFA to accomplish its mission of educating youth on the importance of conservation and how to be better stewards of the environment.
“Last year alone, through funding provided by grants and donations, we were able to reach over 30,000 children through our Outreach and Educational Programs. Many of these 30,000 children came from low-income families and would not typically have the chance to participate in these hands-on programs.”
He said funds are available for groups to participate in the lab programs in two ways. Either on-site at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach, Florida or the IGFA Education Team can come to your classroom to host many of the educational lab programs at your school.
Priority for funding is given to Title-I schools. Programs are available from Monday – Friday during school hours and require a minimum of 20 participants. The IGFA may also be able to cover the cost of your group’s transportation to and from the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum. Please call Veronica Woods at 954-924-4309 for more details.
For more information on how your school group can participate in these marine science programs for free, please contact Ms. Woods at 954-924-4309 or visit our grant request page at
BAMM is coming in June
Hey IGFA members, BAMM is coming back this June!
If you have a membership to the IGFA, you’ve also got membership to more than 20 participating museums and attractions throughout Broward County during the month of June. IGFA members can use their cards for reciprocal benefits in all of the BAMM (Broward Attractions and Museum Month) participating institutions. The theme for the month is “Join one, experience them all.”
Each institution will define exactly what benefits will be eligible but at the very least it will be free admission at the same member level. The IGFA will honor admission as well as 10% off in the gift shop. For more information please call Joanie Tomlin at the IGFA at 954-924-4312 or email her at Additional information can be found on the BAMM web site at
“Did You Know?” – Interesting facts from the IGFA
This month the IGFA features some facts from the 2009 fishing records received across the globe in the making of the IGFA’s 2010 World Record Game Fishes book:
Top five record producing countries in 2009:
United States: 174 records
Brazil: 62 records
Costa Rica: 51 records
Thailand: 38 records
Japan: 35 records
Record category breakdown in 2009:
Saltwater vs. freshwater: 363 vs. 203 records
Line class: 252 records
Fly rod: 129 records
All-Tackle: 99 records
Junior Angler: 86 records
Number of countries that record anglers were from in 2009: 33
Number of countries that produced record fish in 2009: 47
Calendar of upcoming IGFA events for 2010
February 24, 2010 – IGFA School of Sportfishing – Open House for 14th session, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. Over the years you’ve heard about these classes at the IGFA. Now you can experience them at this special Open House by meeting the instructors who will give highlights of their six upcoming classes in March and April. They’ll be answering questions and giving out door prizes and much more. Admission is $20 cash at the door and no registration is required. The $20 can be applied to any class if you sign up at the Open House. Additional promotions are available for multiple class sign ups. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. Also sign up online at
March 2, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing – “Kite Fishing Techniques ” — IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. – One of the easiest ways to catch more fish is with a kite. This class taught by Capt.Tony DiGiulian will touch on the basics but also introduce more advanced techniques of the kite fishing system. Learn to target several different species with this ancient method of enticing fish to bite. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. Go to the IGFA web site at for more details or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. Also sign up online at
March 9, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing –“Targeting Nearshore Gamefish: Dolphin, Kings, & Blackfins” — IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. – A class designed for the angler looking to fill their cooler. The majority of prime table fare species occur along the near shore, inside of 800 feet of water. Legendary South Florida Capt. Bouncer Smith will teach you the most effective strategies for dolphin, kingfish, blackfin tuna, cobia, and more. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. You may also sign up online at
March 16, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing – “Trophy Snook and Tarpon” — IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. From the backcountry to the beaches, Capt. Josh Brown gives you the information on how to successfully target and find monster snook and tarpon. Snook to 30 lbs and tarpon to 200 lbs, these are the fish that will test your gear and your nerve. You’ll want to have a good camera to back up your catch and release stories. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. You may also sign up online at
March 23, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing – “All About Live Bait” – IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. Having good live bait can be the difference between catching fish or not. Capt. Shawn Fairbanks shows you where and how to catch several different species of live bait and how to keep them healthy. When you leave this class you will be able to throw a cast net. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. You may also sign up online at
March 30, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing – “Offshore Secrets of the Keys” — IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. Whether you’re going to the Florida Keys for a day trip or an extended vacation, you’ll want to be prepared for the fantastic fishing that waits offshore. From Key Largo to Key West, Capt. Jack Callion details the local tips and secrets that will maximize your chances for dolphin, tuna, wahoo, sailfish, and more. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. You may also sign up online at
April 6, 2010 — IGFA School of Sportfishing – “Fishing Bimini and Cat Cay” — IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA. – 7 – 10 p.m. These two Bahamian islands are close to home but require special knowledge on how to make your trip across the Gulf Stream safe, legal and as enjoyable as possible. Taught by Capt. Bouncer Smith this is a great way to discover a different world just fifty miles away. Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more details go to the IGFA web site at or contact Jeff Mackin at 954-924-4340. Also sign up online at
April 10 – 11, 2010 — IGFA Fishing Expo Presented by World Fishing Network, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. This inaugural IGFA Fishing Expo, is presented by the World Fishing Network (WFN), and showcases fishing lodges, artwork, electronics, tournaments, unique fishing tackle and more. For more information please call Joanie Tomlin at 954-924-4312 or e-mail at
April 10, 2010 — Seventh Annual IGFA World Record Achievements Awards and Banquet, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla., USA. 6 p.m. This celebration dinner and awards ceremony highlights the 2009 records by men, women, juniors, professional captains and tackle manufacturers. IGFA Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented to industry leader Rapala and Capt. Andrew Parsons who holds over 100 world records. For reservations, tickets or for more information about this ceremony please call Lesley Arico 954-924-4222 or
May 9 – 14, 2010 — IGFA Offshore World Championship, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico — This 11th annual event is considered international fishing’s most prestigious billfish tournament hosting winning teams from countries on six continents who have been invited after winning one of over 120 qualifying events held in 2009. It’s also the largest contingent of international teams to compete in a single catch-and-release fishing tournament world wide. For more on the tournament or to register a tournament as a qualifier, contact Lynda Wilson at or via phone at 407-571-4517, or contact Dan Jacobs, Tournament Director at or call 407-571-4680.
June 1 – 30, 2010 — BAMM (Broward Attractions and Museum Month) is Back — During the month of June anyone with a membership in the IGFA or one of more than 20 participating museums and attractions in Broward County will be able to use that for reciprocal benefits in all. The theme for the month is “Join one, experience them all.” Each institution defines what benefits will be eligible but at the very least it will be free admission at same member level. The IGFA will honor admission as well as 10% off in the gift shop. For more information please call Joanie Tomlin at the IGFA at 954-924-4312 or email her at, visit or for the variety of participating institutions.
July 13 – 15, 2010 – 10th annual Florida Keys Outfitters/IGFA Inshore World Championship, Islamorada, Fla., USA – Described by anglers and the media as the “super bowl” of fly and light tackle fishing, invitations are sent to the winners of nearly 40 qualifying tournaments around the world held in 2009 to compete in this three day all-release championship. From a drawing the qualifiers are paired with a premier Keys guide to team for three days of fishing for tarpon, bonefish, permit, snook and redfish in fly and light tackle divisions with the grand champion crowned in each. For more information on the FKO/IGFA Inshore World Championship and qualifying tournaments contact Sandy Moret 305-664-5423 or or visit
October 26, 2010 — The 12th Annual IGFA Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla., USA — This year’s event will celebrate all 80 members and the newest five inductees of the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame (to be announced soon). The inductees are selected for the important contributions they have made to the sport of fishing through angling achievements, literature, the arts, science, education, invention, communication or administration of fishery resources. The evening includes a cocktail reception, silent auction, the induction ceremony for the 2010 class and dinner. Tickets are $200. For reservation information please contact Ms. Lesley Arico at 954-924-4222 or