By Pete Johnson, Johnson Communications – IGFA PR Counsel

Although the efforts to secure a protective CITES (
on International Trade in Endangered Species)

listing for Atlantic bluefin tuna failed this past March in Qatar, the
International Game Fish Association showed its appreciation for one
congresswoman who encouraged the United States to support the proposal and stand
up for conservation.

April 5, 2010, IGFA President Rob Kramer welcomed Congresswoman Debbie
Wasserman Schultz
in the Greats Hall of the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame &
Museum in Dania Beach, Fla., thanking her for her commitment to ocean issues.

“The decline of this majestic and signature species cannot be allowed to
continue,” Congresswoman Wasserman Shultz said to the assembly, “and I share
your deep disappointment that the member nations to CITES missed this important
opportunity to protect the bluefin.”

The congresswoman went on to highlight actions that could be addressed
domestically to aid bluefin tuna, including the National Marine Fisheries
Service taking additional steps to better protect the species’ only known
Western Atlantic spawning ground – the Gulf of Mexico. IGFA’s Kramer echoed her
sentiments, adding that wasteful longlining practices in the Gulf of Mexico harm
more than just bluefin with blue marlin, white marlin, sailfish, and sharks –
also apex predators in the ocean’s food chain – being threatened by surface
longlining as well.

Kramer closed by looking forward, “Despite the bad news that came out of the
CITES meeting, we have an opportunity in front of us to protect these valuable
game fish and raise the public’s awareness of their importance to the overall
health of our ocean ecosystems.”

With support from concerned members of Congress, conservation groups, and
international partners, the IGFA looks forward to doing just that.


Benefit dinner & auction for
IGFA and Bonefish & Tarpon Trust

Hell’s Bay Boatworks, The Fly Shop of Miami and ESPN Outdoors will be hosting a
dinner viewing of the Fly Fishing Film Tour at the IGFA, Friday, April 23. 

evening is a benefit for the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust and the IGFA. All
proceeds from the dinner ticket sales and the silent auction will be split with
the two conservation organizations.

Fishing celebrities Flip Pallot, Chico Fernandez and Jose Wejebe
are scheduled to attend. 

Will Benson
and Dave Teper, the producers of "High in the Lowlands"
will also be there. Clips from "Pirates of the Flats" and slides by
Pat Ford
will be shown in the IGFA Theater. 

Kicking off at 6 p.m. the evening includes cocktails and appetizers during the
silent auction followed by a dinner of Guy Harvey approved sustainable

Now in just its
fourth year, The Fly Fishing Film Tour has become a major fishing entertainment
event playing in 80 cites this year.

The film tour
showcases some of the best independent outdoor film makers. The goal of the Fly
Fishing Film Tour is to energize the industry and inspire film makers to create
new cutting edge films to both entertain and educate outdoor enthusiasts. For
more information on the film tour please visit:

Tickets for the
evening are $150, or a table of 10 for $1,500.  Seating is limited. Reserve your
ticket by calling Hell’s Bay Boatwork’s main office at 321-383-8223 or The Fly
Shop of Miami at 305-669-5851.



Coming Next
Month in Hot News:

Announcing the newest inductees to the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame

May’s edition of Hot News we’ll announce the newest class of five inductees into
the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame.

annual induction ceremony will be held Tuesday evening, October 26, at the IGFA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, in Dania Beach, Fla., USA.

This year’s event will celebrate all 80 current members and the five inductees.

Each year the inductees are
selected for
the important contributions they have made to the sport of fishing through
angling achievements, literature, the arts, science, education, invention,
communication or administration of fishery resources.

evening includes a cocktail reception, silent auction, dinner and the induction
ceremony for the 2010 class. Tickets are $200. For reservation information
please contact
Ms. Lesley Arico
at 954-924-4222 or



IGFA School of
Sportfishing classes begins again May 4


The 15th
session of the highly popular IGFA School of Sportfishing series is set to begin
on Tuesday, May 4, when instructor Capt. Tony DiGiulian will present
“Fundamentals of Sportfishing” as the first course offering.

This class is
especially hands-on with participants learning knots, rigs, and skills crucial
for successful offshore fishing.

The remaining five
classes through May and into June along with the captains to lead them are still
to be determined but look for returning favorite topics such as “Basics of
Rigging and Trolling Artificials,” “Successful Swordfishing,” and “Bottom
Fishing Wrecks and Reefs.’”

Check the IGFA
website for updated information.

The IGFA School of
Sportfishing classes are held on Tuesday nights from 7 – 10 p.m. at the IGFA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach, Florida.

For more
information, please contact Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.


Expedition series returns to Panama August 30


Looking for a great
fishing adventure to “billfish nirvana?”

If you missed the
IGFA’s recent Expedition Trip to Guatemala you still have a chance later this
year for another great adventure to the Tropic Star Lodge on Piñas Bay, Panama,
August 30 to September 5.

It’s an event
described as the ultimate once-in-a lifetime sport fishing experience.

“This adventure
follows in the footsteps of the early game fish pioneers exploring the abundant
waters of Piñas Bay for the world’s greatest game fish,” said IGFA Development
Director Eric Combast.

“The targeted fish
include blue marlin, black marlin, tuna and other top game species found in the
waters surrounding the world famous Tropic Star Lodge.”

The trip will be
led by five experienced and exceptional anglers providing an action-packed
excursion with valuable fishing tips and guidance.

For more
information on this all-inclusive expedition and exciting opportunity, please
call Combast at 954-924-4325 or email



April Hot


Japan, Columbia, Mexico, New Zealand, Brazil are some of the
fishing venues of this month’s potential new records as International Game Fish
Association World Records Coordinator Rebecca Wright updates us with ten
recreational fish catches now before the world records committee.


Guided by
Adolfo Martinez Purada, while fishing Cano
, Colombia, on January 28, Alejandro Linares,
of Medellin, Colombia, landed a
peacock (Cichla
) weighing 3.63 kg (8 lb 0 oz) using a Mepps
tied to 6 kg (12 lb) line. The current IGFA
record is 6 lb 8 oz (2.95 kg) caught from Masparro Lake in Venezuela,
Oct. 2008
. (Photo: orinoco peacock – 35376)


, Japan, Muneaki Hayashi
of Chiba, Japan, and using 15 kg
(30 lb)
class line, landed a blackfin seabass (Lateolabrax
latus) on Feb. 26, weighing
8.8 kg (19 lb 6 oz). The current IGFA men’ line class record
is 19 lb 2 oz ( 8.7 kg) caught from Shirahama, Chiba, Japan two years
(Photo: blackfin seabass – 35419)


Using a clouser
pattern while fly fishing Puerto Lopez Mateos,
on Feb. 20, Lance Erik Peterson,
Port Angeles, Wash., USA,
landed a broomtail grouper (Mycteroperca
xenarcha) weighing 2.27 kg (5 lb 0 oz)
on 10 kg (20 lb) tippet. The men’s tippet record
for the recently added species to the IGFA World Record Game Fishes Book is
currently vacant. (Photo: broomtail grouper – 35425)


While fishing the
Rio Inirida Tributary in Colombia, Venezuela
angler Antonio Campa G., of Valencia
, landed a speckled peacock (Cichla
temensis) on January 26, weighing
9.98 kg (22 lb 0 oz)
using a Caribe lure on
4 kg (8 lb) class line
. He was guided by Capt. Sergio Toro
in his 25 minute fight of the fish. The current
IGFA record is 20 lb 3 oz (9.18 kg) pulled from the Jatapa
River, Amazonas, Brazil 18 years ago. (Photo: speckled peacock
– 35471)


You won’t find the
fish species listed in the current IGFA World Record Game Fishes book but if
approved Brazilian angler Gilberto Fernandes, may have
a potentially new one in the All-Tackle section for the popular resource book’s
2011 edition. Using cut bait Fernandes of Mao, AM,
, landed a bacu-pedra (Lithodoras
dorsalis-Valneciennes) on February 15,
weighing 10.51 kg (23 lb 2 oz) while fishing Lago
dos Reis
, Brazil. (Photo: bacu-pedra –


, of Morningside Durban, South
, found a fight while trying to land a talang queenfish,
commersonianus) on
February 2. Guided by Tim Christy,
while fishing Hell’s Gate, Mozambique, it
took Hammond an hour to land the fish which weighed 14 kg (30 lb 13
. He caught the fish using a jerk minnow on 15 kg (30 lb)
line. The current IGFA men record for the species is 23 lb 11oz
(10.75 kg)
caught in 1991 near Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Photo: talang
queenfish – 35479)


While fly fishing
Islas Secas, Panama on March 9, multi-record
holder Dotty Ballantyne, of Bozeman,
Mont., USA, landed a bigeye
) weighing 1.47 kg (3 lb 4 oz) on
4 kg (8 lb) tippet. She was guided by Carter
, and used a baitfish fly to catch her quarry.
If approved for the currently vacant record she would add another to her
impressive collection of now 78 IGFA world records. (Photo: bigeye
trevally – 35483)


On January 3,
Auckland, New Zealand angler
Scott Tindale
, landed a snoek (Thyrsites
atun) a fish popular in the Southern Hemisphere,
weighing 5.14kg (11 lb 5 oz) while fishing off
, N.Z. He used a skipjack for bait
that incited a 10 minute fight for the potential IGFA All-Tackle record.

The current IGFA mark is 9 lb 14 oz (4.48 kg) pulled from Hout Bay,
in South Africa, two years ago.
(Photo: snoek – 35499)


While fishing
Golfito, Costa Rica, young smallfry angler
Jackson Seamans, of Debary,
Fla., USA, guided by Capt.
Bobby McGuinness
, landed a Pacific jack crevalle (Caranx
caninus) on Feb. 13, weighing
10.48 kg (23 lb 1 oz) after successfully wrestling it to the
boat in 20 minutes. The current boy’s IGFA smallfry record is
18 lb 8 oz ( 8.39 kg) caught in 1997 at Pinas Bay, Panama.
(Photo: Pacific jack crevalle – 35495)


Another youth
angler William Klein, of Longeville Pes Metz,
France, got the thrill of a lifetime and a 15 minute fish fight with a
43 kg (94 lb 12 oz) giant trevally (Caranx
ignobilis) off Rodriguez Island,
Mauritius on Feb. 11. Guided by Yann Colas,
Klein used a bonito head for bait to entice the big fish. The
current IGFA boy’s junior record he’s hoping to beat is 72 lb 4 oz (
32.77 kg) set in 2000 in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
(Photo: giant
trevally – 35399)



Department Hot News:

Ten weekly IGFA Junior Angler

Summer Camps return June 14


It’s one of the
coolest youth camps around and for hands-on activities nothing beats the IGFA’s
annual Junior Angler Summer Camps with 10 weekly sessions beginning in June.

Now in its 11th
year the camps are held at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania
Beach, Fla., offering weeklong summer adventures for children ages 8 – 13, from
June 14 – August 20

Campers spend time
in the museum where they learn about fishing techniques, conservation, marine
biology, the ins-and-outs of fish anatomy through dissections, biological
adaptations, tying flies & jigs, fish habitats and participate in simulated
fishing tournaments.

Field trips include
snorkeling, water parks and pier fishing with every Friday spent deep sea
fishing from a 70’ party boat off the coast of Miami.

Camp registration
includes a free rod and reel combo, T-shirt, tackle box and camp goody bag. For
more information about the IGFA Summer Camp, please contact Veronica Woods
at or visit




Over 1,000
participate at Mercury/IGFA Free Family Fishing Clinic


Over 1,000 youngsters and adults from South Fla.,
joined in recently as long time partner Mercury Marine, the IGFA, and 99.9 KISS
Country hosted a day of fishing and fun activities for the whole family at the
IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum in Dania Beach.

IGFA Education Director David Matagiese
said the quarterly event gives an opportunity for families to stop by the IGFA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum for a completely free day of fishing instruction,
prizes, seminars taught by professional fishermen, food and drinks, face
painting and knot tying.

With a variety of
fishing boats on display with Mercury outboards. Mercury’s Pro Team from the
Florida Keys, Capts. Larry Sydnor, Mark Johnson and Chris Jones
were all on hand to answer questions from the crowd and discuss the finer points
of fishing the flats.

Mercury Marine’s own
Scott Beattie

was also on hand to serve as the event emcee and fielded questions from
participants about repowering their boats with Mercury outboards, how to perform
basic engine maintenance and handed out prizes throughout the event including
rods and reels, shirts, posters and fishing lures.

The Florida
Wildlife and Conservation Commission had a team of officers to display a
beautiful airboat and not only answer questions about fishing regulations but
also to provide explanations as to why regulations are put into place.

The Coast Guard
Auxiliary provided an excellent booth on boater safety and had plenty of free
giveaways as did 99.9 KISS Country who held a remote broadcast and brought their
Prize Wheel which provided the crowd with a steady stream of free concert
tickets, hats, cds and shirts.

For more
information on the next Mercury family day this summer, please contact Matagiese
at 954-924-4247 or via email at



—At the
IGFA Museum—


Coming soon: The
Funky Fish Art of David Roehm
(with photo) 

The IGFA Art
Gallery will be featuring the whimsical works of artist David Roehm, who
is inspired by his fishing and snorkeling adventures off his hometown of Fort
Lauderdale, along with Chokoloskee Island, and the flats of Islamorada. Many of
the quaint old bars, hangouts and fishing spots now gone are depicted in Dave’s
artistry, but they are not all done on the usual canvas. He specializes
in decorating unusual items such as fire hydrants and wood sculptures. 

Roehm’s colorful
and humorous FunkyFishArt will be on display from late April to October in the
Art Gallery at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum.  

For a preview of
what’s to come visit


New! In the Catch Gallery: Your fishing stories

a good fishing story? WFN-TV is listening at the World Fishing Network “Loud
Mouth Booth.”  WFN and the IGFA are teaming up to give museum visitors the
chance to share their fishing stories.  This new attraction, located in the
Catch Gallery, is equipped with a video camera.  WFN personality and IGFA rep
Mark Melnyk
asks guests to share their feelings about fishing.  Guests have
two minutes to tell why they love to fish and what fishing means to them — on
camera!  Many of these recordings will be posted in a special section on the WFN



Guy Harvey’s
early art works extended in IGFA’s Changing Gallery until July 5th

As a young boy,
Guy Harvey
was entranced by Ernest Hemingway’s story The Old Man and the
. In the early 1970’s, with no formal art training but with a scientist’s
eye for detail, Guy began sketching his favorite parts. These sketches comprised
Guy’s first art show in 1985. The highly acclaimed early marine artworks of Dr.
Guy Harvey are now being shown at the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum
presented in its Changing Gallery exhibition room.

This complete
rarely-viewed series, of 59 pen-and-ink drawings from the private collection of
Cheryl and Dave Copham, is on display through July 5, 2010. Also
featured are the photos of Bill Boyce and sculptures of Kent Ullberg.


Now on Display:
Lou Marron’s All Tackle record swordfish 
(with photo) 

Lou Marron’s All
Tackle record swordfish (1,182 pounds caught in 1953 off Iquique, Chile) is on
display in its new home, the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum. Restored to its
orginal splendor by
Sailfish Mounts
this magnificent piece of sportfishing history
on permanent display in the museum lobby.


Also featured in the IGFA lobby:
  a new hogfish from Helter Skeletons!



IGFA’s Observer
Training Class in Newport Beach, Calif., May 15


The Newport Dunes
Marina Clubhouse on Newport Beach, Calif., is the site of the next IGFA Observer
Training class (OTC) as the International Game Fish Association goes on the road
with its popular instructional program Saturday, May 15, at 9 a.m. 

Hosted by the
Balboa Angling Club, the class instructs experienced anglers, boat captains and
crew members as observers for fishing tournaments held across the globe. The
Newport Dunes Marina Clubhouse is located at 101 N. Bayside Drive, Newport
Beach, CA 92660. 

“Over the years,
billfish tournaments have transformed into big business enterprises,” said IGFA
Conservation Director Jason Schratwieser. “Many prestigious tournaments
now have enormous calcuttas and purses as well as large numbers of participating
anglers. With huge purses and egos on the line, concern often arises whether all
participants are adhering to the letter of the rules. This causes turmoil for
tournament directors and, at its worst, prevents tournaments from adopting
release formats. An obvious solution is to have observers on boats to ensure a
level playing field.

But how do you know
if observers have been properly trained and where do you go to find them? The
answer is simple; IGFA.

“The IGFA’s
Observer classes began as a conservation initiative to allow offshore billfish
tournaments the option to go to a 100% release format with trained and
experienced observers on board to verify catches and educate anglers about IGFA
angling rules. With the decline of many billfish stocks, the importance of
release formats in tournaments has increased. As release tournaments become more
common and cash payouts increase, unbiased observers become vital in reporting
rule infractions as well as for identifying billfish species.”

Schratwieser added
observers can often benefit anglers by preventing inadvertent rule infractions
before they even happen. Having observers that are trained to identify billfish
species under frantic tournament conditions virtually eliminates the need to
bring back dead fish to the dock for official scoring. Observers also raise the
prestige level and credibility of tournaments while contributing to conservation
efforts with the safe release of tournament billfish.

The IGFA OTC covers
topics such as species identification, IGFA saltwater fishing rules and tackle
regulations, safety at sea and boating etiquette. Space is limited to 40 people.
IGFA OTC applications are available online at
Pre-registration is required and the $150 fee covers the cost of the training
class, course materials, and a one-year membership in the IGFA. Please contact
Schratwieser at 954-924-4320 or email:

for additional information.



BAMM is back
again this June


BAMM is coming back
this June and IGFA members can benefit in a big way.

If you have a
membership to the IGFA, you’ve also got membership to more than 20 participating
museums and attractions throughout Broward County during the month of June. 
IGFA members can use their cards for reciprocal benefits in all of the BAMM
(Broward Attractions and Museum Month) participating institutions.  The theme
for the month is “Join one, experience them all.” 

Each institution
will define exactly what benefits will be eligible but at the very least it will
be free admission at the same member level. The IGFA will honor admission as
well as 10% off in the gift shop. For more information please call Joanie
at the IGFA at 954-924-4312 or email her at

Additional information can be found on the BAMM web site at


Did You Know?” – Interesting
facts from the IGFA

  • Total annual
    commercial blue shark catch in the North Atlantic: 84,000 tons

  • Amount of blue
    sharks released: 57,000 tons

  • Amount of dead
    discards: 20,000 tons


  • Chondrichthyan
    fishes (sharks, rays and chimaeras) have a perceived higher intrinsic risk of
    extinction compared to other fish.

  • Around 52% of
    chondrichthyans have been IUCN Red-Listed compared to only 8% of all marine


  • Small pelagic
    forage fish species (anchovies, herring, mackerel, sardines, etc.) represent
    the largest landed species group in commercial fisheries (27.3 million t or
    29.7% of total capture fisheries landings in 2006).


  • Between 1996 and
    2006 Hawaiian longline catch rates for apex predators such as blue shark,
    bigeye tuna and albacore tuna, shortbill spearfish, and striped marlin
    declined by 3% to 9% per year.


  • The scalloped
    hammerhead shark population in the western North Atlantic Ocean is estimated
    to be 17% of what it had been in 1981, that is, it has been depleted by about
    83% from the virgin stock size.



Calendar of
upcoming IGFA events for 2010

April 23, 2010
– Fly Fishing Film Tour benefit dinner & auction for IGFA and BTT —

IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum,
Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 6 p.m. The evening is presented by

Hell’s Bay Boatworks, The Fly
Shop of Miami and ESPN Outdoors and includes a dinner viewing of the Fly Fishing
Film Tour. The evening is a benefit for the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust and the
IGFA. Fishing celebrities Flip Pallot, Chico Fernandez and Jose Wejebe
are scheduled to attend as are Will Benson and Dave Teper, the
producers of "High in the Lowlands.” Clips from "Pirates of the Flats"
and slides by Pat Ford will be shown in the IGFA Theater. The evening
includes cocktails and appetizers during the silent auction followed by a dinner
of Guy Harvey approved sustainable seafood

The film tour showcases some of the best
independent outdoor film makers. For more information on the film tour please
Tickets for the evening
are $150 or a table of 10 for $1,500.  Seating is limited. Reserve your ticket
by calling Hell’s Bay Boatwork’s main office at 321-383-8223 or The Fly Shop of
Miami at 305-669-5851



May 4, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – ‘Fundamentals of Sportfishing’
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

Presented by Mercury Marine this class is t
by Capt. Tony DiGiulian and is especially hands-on with participants
learning knots, rigs, and skills crucial for successful offshore fishing.
Pre-registration is required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and
$150 per class for non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class,
course materials and fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more
information, please contact Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



May 9 – 14, 2010
—  IGFA Offshore World Championship, Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
— This 11th
annual event is considered international fishing’s most prestigious billfish
tournament hosting winning teams from countries on six continents who have been
invited after winning one of over 120 qualifying events held in 2009. It’s also
the largest contingent of international teams to compete in a single
catch-and-release fishing tournament world wide. For more on the tournament or
to register a tournament as a qualifier, contact Lynda Wilson at

or via phone at 407-571-4517, or contact Dan Jacobs, Tournament Director

or call 407-571-4680.



May 11, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – Class topic and instructor TBA — IGFA Fishing
Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

 Presented by Mercury Marine this popular series of six weekly classes is now in
its 15
Pre-registration is
required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for
non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and
fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more information, please contact
Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



15, 2010 —

IGFA Observer Training Class,
Newport Dunes Marina Clubhouse 101 N. Bayside Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660

9 a.m. – Hosted by the
Balboa Angling Club this class trains experienced anglers, boat captains and
crew members as observers for fishing tournaments held around the world. The
course includes species Identification, IGFA saltwater fishing rules &
regulations, safety at sea and boating etiquette. The IGFA OTC applications are
available at the IGFA website
Pre-registration is required and the $150 fee covers the cost of the training
class, course materials, and a one-year membership in the IGFA. For additional
information, please contact Jason Schratwieser at 954-924-4320 email:



May 18, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – Class topic and instructor TBA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

 Presented by Mercury Marine this popular series of six weekly classes is now in
its 15
Pre-registration is
required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for
non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and
fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more information, please contact
Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



May 25, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – Class topic and instructor TBA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

Presented by Mercury Marine this popular series of six weekly classes is now in
its 15
Pre-registration is
required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for
non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and
fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more information, please contact
Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



June 1 – 30, 2010
BAMM (Broward Attractions and Museum Month) is Back — During the
month of June anyone with a membership in the IGFA or one of more than 20
participating museums and attractions in Broward County will be able to use that
for reciprocal benefits in all. The theme for the month is “Join one, experience
them all.” Each institution defines what benefits will be eligible but at the
very least it will be free admission at same member level. The IGFA will honor
admission as well as 10% off in the gift shop. For more information please call
Joanie Tomlin at the IGFA at 954-924-4312 or email her at


the variety of participating



June 1, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – Class topic and instructor TBA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

Presented by Mercury Marine this popular series of six weekly classes is now in
its 15
Pre-registration is
required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for
non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and
fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more information, please contact
Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



June 8, 2010 —
IGFA School of Sportfishing – Class topic and instructor TBA
Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania Beach, Fla. USA
. – 7 – 10 p.m.

 Presented by Mercury Marine this popular series of six weekly classes is now in
its 15
Pre-registration is
required. The cost is $100 per class for IGFA members and $150 per class for
non-members. The fee covers the cost of the training class, course materials and
fishing equipment relevant to each topic. For more information, please contact
Jeff Mackin at 954.924.4340 or visit
You may also sign up online at
Classes are limited to the first 24 anglers to sign up.



June 14 — Aug 20,
2010 — IGFA’s ten weekly Summer Camps, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum,
Dania Beach, Fla. USA
– Now in its 11
year the IGFA’s popular weekly camps are held during the summer break for
children ages 8 to 13. Campers will explore the aquatic environment and
participate in many fishing adventures and exciting marine life activities. Each
week-long camp session is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pre-registration is
required. Camp registration includes a free rod and reel combo, T-shirt, tackle
box and camp goody bag. For more information about the IGFA Summer Camp, please
contact Veronica Woods at or visit




July 13 – 15, 2010
10th annual Florida Keys
Outfitters/IGFA Inshore World Championship,

Islamorada, Fla., USA – Described by anglers and the media as the “super
bowl” of fly and light tackle fishing, invitations are sent to the winners of
nearly 40 qualifying tournaments around the world held in 2009 to compete in
this three day all-release championship. From a drawing the qualifiers are
paired with a premier Keys guide to team for three days of fishing for tarpon,
bonefish, permit, snook and redfish in fly and light tackle divisions with the
grand champion crowned in each. For more information on the FKO/IGFA Inshore
World Championship and qualifying tournaments contact Sandy Moret
305-664-5423 or

or visit



October 26, 2010 —
The 12th Annual IGFA
Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum, Dania
Beach, Fla., USA —
This year’s event will celebrate all 80 members and the
newest five inductees of the IGFA Fishing Hall of Fame (to be announced in May).
The inductees are
selected for the
important contributions they have made to the sport of fishing through angling
achievements, literature, the arts, science, education, invention, communication
or administration of fishery resources.

The evening includes a cocktail
reception, silent auction, the induction ceremony for the 2010 class and dinner.
Tickets are $200. For reservation information please contact

Ms. Lesley Arico at 954-924-4222 or


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Anglers' Net

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