I often find that my journeys around YouTube, clicking on ‘related’ videos, take me away from angling itself and to other interesting fish-related clips.
I even found myself watching a load of American kids jumping off a cliff into the sea this morning, but that’s another story!
Anyway, this footage below fascinated me. I’ve seen similar clips on UK television before, where gangs of predators completely demolish a ball of bait fish, but this was a new one for me.
The striped marlin seen in this short clip are, frankly, amazing. I am in awe at how something that large can be so agile.
However, what really got me interested are a couple of moments that, when I mention them, sound quite gruesome; these are the extreme slow motion sections when a marlin manages to bite one fish clean in half and also the moment when a marlin spears a sardine.
It’s only a five-minute clip, so please watch it, even if just for those moments.
Who’d want to be a sardine, eh?
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