Hooked Tackle & Bait are a carp fishing specialist with a fantastic store in Suffolk. They also sell all over the UK by mail order and, being carp anglers themselves, genuinely care for their customers. They have been long-term supporters of Anglers’ Net, but that shouldn’t be the only reason you visit their site……no, the main reason to visit is because they stock the best brands and all the latest products, such as this Korda Hybrid Soft Coated Braid.
You can visit Hooked at www.fishing-direct.com. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the info on this fantastic braid, as taken from their site:
Since Korda released the Hybrid they have had hundreds of request for a softer version, after going through various samples Korda have managed to create the perfect supple coated braid.
One problem with many of the current coated braids is that the coating is prone to splitting on the knot when under tension, Korda have managed to completely cure this with the new Hybrid Soft coated braid. Because of the stiffness of the original Hybrid many people found it tricky to strip, this stuff can be stripped neatly and safely with just your finger nails.
Korda Hybrid Soft is the perfect for all lake beds but is particularly good when used in conjunction with a lead clip or chod system when fishing over a soft bottom. Danny began testing this product whilst fishing at Walthamstow in early spring 2007, ‘Stow’ is famous for its deep silt so Danny had to adjust his rigs accordingly; the soft version was exactly what he needed.
Even though it is mega supple, to ensure that his rig would sit perfectly he was also stripping half an inch of the coating off at the swivel end. In his first two sessions with it he managed to bag a couple of 30’s and an awesome 41lb mirror in a snow storm! He then went on to use it on a social session with Frank Warwick at Wellington Country Park, the result – a 43lb personal best mirror.
Get on the ‘Soft’!
Available in two colours and comes in a 20mtr spool
Visit www.fishing-direct.com for the latest price!