A decent pair of scissors are an almost essential tool when fishing (I’ve forgotten mine in the past and survived, but it makes life a lot more difficult!).
Nowadays, I always have a pair of braid scissors with me. Obviously, they’re not just for cutting braid – they work just as well on monofilament!
These E.S.P. Braid Scissors seem reasonably priced and, knowing E.S.P., will be good for the task. Here’s what we’ve read about them:
Dyneema based braids are notoriously difficult to cut and most scissors will not cut them at all, or at best, fray the ends.
These ESP braid scissors are ideal for cutting the whole range of Carp and Specialist braids.
They are made from high carbon stainless steel and have a miniature serrated edge along one blade.
These tiny serrations are barely visible to the naked eye but they will repeatedly provide a clean cut, even on loose open weave Dyneema filaments.
At the time of writing, these scissors were priced at just £3.99. Click here for further details.