I hate cutting up luncheon meat into tiny cubes when I’m after carp on the commercial waters I fish, but I’m too tight to spend upwards of £20 on a meat cutter. I was pleased to find this when I visited Bennetts of Sheffield (www.bosfish.co.uk) the other week priced at just £ 8.99. It is available in 3 sizes to cut cubes of 6mm, 8mm and 10mm.
Probably aimed more at the pole angler, this dinky product is a welcome addition to any tackle box, so don’t discount it for adding meat to ground bait mixes or for producing piles of loose feed. It consists of a sturdy frame with tensioned wires fitted within; it’s a simple bit of kit, no loading, squeezing and emptying, just put your bait under it and push down the cutter! Should the wires become slackened with excessive use, it is an easy ¼ turn of the tensioning nut with a spanner and it’s as good as new again.

It should last for a good few seasons if looked after, and at £8.99, it’s worth the money if you are a lazy angler like me! More SEYMO products available at Bennetts of Sheffield, take a look at www.bosfish.co.uk or give them a ring on 0114 2756756.
Clint Walker 2010